Mission Point Lighthous​e Keepers Association


.Mission Point Lighthouse Keepers Association (MPLKA) was formed to create a method of informing supporters of news throughout the year and raise funds for new projects that would increase the knowledge and connection to history that the lighthouse offers for all. Your membership will support educational activities such as increased visits from school groups and public events to share historical information about the lighthouse and our area. Other possibilities include improving signage on our trails or a telescope viewer to look out the bay as far as the eye can see. These are just a few of the many possibilities that your support can help us pursue our mission: preserving, promoting, and educating the public about historic lighthouses and making the Mission Point Lighthouse accessible to everyone.
Apply now to become an MPLKA member with an annual subscription, shown below, that includes benefits such as:
Quarterly newsletter regarding the happenings at the lighthouse
20% Discount on merchandise purchases
Free museum tours
Membership Card
Individual Member: 1 Year $ 25 2 Years $ 40
Family Members: 1 Year $ 40 2 Years $ 90
Lifetime Member: $1,000
Please complete this Application Fo​rm and return it to David Tucker, Treasurer, if you would like to join.
Be sure to visit the Mission Point Lighthouse's Main Website --- > CLICK HERE.
Feel free to e-mail us with your; questions, thoughts, or ideas at:info@mplka.com. Thank you.
Mission Point Lighthouse Keepers Association is a 501(c)(3) Non-profit Organization.